Wild Irish Foxglove

This collection of poetic images elicit emotions of peace, awe and tranquility, thus moving the viewer into a place of quiet contemplation. They are perfect for creating relaxing, reflective interior spaces.

All of my photography art prints and poems are inspired by a deep appreciation and love of the natural world, the changing seasons and the healing potential that lies within the wisdom of nature's grace.


This series of limited edition prints explore spaciousness in both context, narrative and visual expression, because it is in this open expansiveness that the spark of mystery is awakened, and the vitality of life makes itself known.

The softness of summer rain: Wild Irish Foxglove

These nature prints are designed to bring the outdoors in.

“Lift your heart toward the sun, just at the moment when the rays of soft morning light are refracted through translucent raindrops.  Foxglove speaks with wise tones of cream and green, and as her petticoat of petals rest in remembrance, you are invited to connect to the potential that dwells within the moment when her grace touches the very essence of who you are.” 


Photography Art Prints

This Irish foxglove print is a celebration of summer, and an opportunity to recreate the beauty and vitality of this vibrant season throughout the year.

PRICE: 30.50 +PP - Unframed. 12 inches x 18 inches - Other dimensions available upon request.